OJS tutorialEmbedding Creative Commons License info on your journal website

See also: How to Include CC Licensing Info in your Article Galleys for information about how to incorporate CC licenses into typeset journal files.

Embedding License information in article previews 

[DOAJ eligibility requirements include the display of license information in the articles’ preview page. Here are  some guided instructions on how to do so with OJS. Examples are taken from our partner journals JMETC and Law&Arts

STEP 1. Once you log into OJS, click on Submissions from the left menu bar and open the Archives tab. Here is an example from the template of our partner journal JMETC:

STEP 2. From here, click on one of the articles whose license is missing, the article by Renu Ahuja’s in this instance. Once you click on the article title, it’ll redirect you to the article Submission page.

STEP 3. On the Production tab, click on the button Schedule for Publication. It will open up a pop-up window.

STEP 4. Here you only need to make sure that the Permissions box is checked and the last three fields are all completed, in this case the link to the CC license had been entered in the “License URL” field, but the copyright holder field is empty (for all CC licenses, the copyright holder is always the author of the article, not the journal). You can find the appropriate license URL on the Creative Commons website

Once you complete the empty fields, hit Save. OJS will automatically update the information in the article preview page, embedding the link to the CC license. 

Depending on your website’s design template, it might appear in a box in the right column, like this:

Or else at the bottom of the preview page beneath the abstract, like in this example from Law&Arts: