OJS3 tutorial – Blog plugin

Following are the steps for an individual journal to enable the blog plugin and create a link to it in the primary navigation menu.

STEP 1. In the journal’s admin side panel, go to Settings → Website. Click on the Plugins tab. Scroll down to find the Blog plugin entry in the generic section and click enable.

STEP 2. Refresh the screen – a blog tab for adding posts should now appear at the top of the admin page. 

STEP 3. Now go to the Navigation Menus tab to add a new navigation menu item: 

 – The title should be the desired title of the blog (here “Sample Site News”)

 – The navigation menu type should be “Remote URL”

 – The url should be the full url for the journal (including the https:// part) plus “blog”:

   (e.g for Sample Site: https://journals.library.columbia.edu/index.php/SS/blog)

STEP 4. Then go to Navigation Menus on the same page and click edit Primary Navigation Menu. Drag the blog title navigation item from unassigned to the desired position in the assigned column and Save.