OJS Workflow: Quick Submit Plugin
STEP 1: Create a new articles section. Article sections will help to organize the articles published in each issue and should be created to match the sections presented at each conference.
Navigate to Journal settings via the left hand navigation bar.
Click “Sections” and create a new section using the form.
STEP 2: Create a new issue.
Navigate to Issues → Future Issues. Click “Create Issue” and fill in the form.
STEP 3: Add a new article using the Quick Submit plugin.
Navigate to Website Settings using the left hand navigation bar
Go to Plugins and then scroll down to “Quick Submit Plugin.” Click the blue arrow and select “Import/Export Data”
- Select the article section.
2. Add the Title, Subtitle, and Abstract information
3. Add Keywords, Contributors, and Galleys
- Add keywords by typing in the word or phrase and then pressing “enter” on your keyboard. Keywords are not required by can help to boost discoverability of the article via search engines
- Add authors by clicking “Add Contributor” and filling in the form. When author profiles are created, you can either enter all the information about the author, or allow them to fill out the biographical and contact details themselves by sending them an email letting them know they’ve been registered in the Journal.
- Add Issue Galleys – the typeset versions of the articles and any supplemental materials – that readers will access and download through the journal. Select “Add Galley”.
Choose a Galley Label. This will be PDF for all typeset articles. You can also write things like “Images” or “Slides” if there are additional visual components.
Select the article component and upload a file. You can edit the filename when you continue to review details. It is best to use a clean, standardized filename, such as the article title, the authors last name or some combination (ie. Name_ArticleTitle.pdf)
* IF the article has been uploaded to Academic Commons, you can also elect to use the URL from AC, instead of uploading a PDF file. Click the box that says “This galley will be available at a separate website” and enter the link for the PDF download available there. (NB: This link can be obtained by right clicking the blue “Download” button on the Academic Commons article page and selecting “Copy Link Address”)
4. Schedule the article for publication.
Using the screenshot below as a guide: Select “Published” and choose the issue the article will be published into.
Leave “Pages” blank, since this is a digital edition with no running page numbers or full-issue galley.
Choose a publication date – it should match the date the entire issue is published (usually the day you are uploading)
Permissions should follow the format demonstrated below — the Creative Commons License link should be the same for all issues. The Author is the copyright holder, and the date of Copyright is the date they wrote/presented the paper.
STEP 5: Publish the Issue
Return to the Future Issues page via Journal Settings (left hand navigation). Click the blue arrow next to the issue name and click “Publish Issue”. The Issue will publish to the front end of the website and the Journal’s archives.
You can edit information in a future issue or an already published issue of the journal by selecting “Edit.”
You will be able to rearrange the order of the items in an issue by selecting “Order” and dragging and dropping the articles. You can edit information about the issue in “Issue Data” (such as the publication date or description of the issue).
To navigate to individual submissions or remove items from an issue, click the blue arrow to expand the options.